The U3A is a gathering of people no longer in full time employment who like learning with and from one another. The third age follows on from the second age of employment and parental responsibility, and the first age of childhood dependence. The Third age is a time of new opportunity with freedom to pursue social, intellectual, active and practical interests, just for the fun of it!
U3A is an international network which began in France. Over 342,000 people are members of 950 U3A groups in the U.K. Over 20 groups are flourishing in Northern Ireland. All groups are linked by the U3A Trust and each U3A group is a local self-governing voluntary body. The U3A organise and share educational, creative and leisure activities.
Erne U3A holds a monthly meeting and different activity groups Fermanagh House
Current activities include singing, walking, book club, drama, storytelling, scrabble, lunches, ipad training, heritage and trips. These are subject to change. Members receive regular newsletters via email and post. All Erne U3a work is voluntary.
For more info or to join the group, do pop into Fermanagh House for an application form.